No! We want to keep things as affordable as possible. Children can wear any outfit that they feel comfortable in and can move safely in! We do highly recommend ballet shoes for our Cherubs, Mini & Me and Tots classes and jazz shoes for Mini Mover Jazz, this allows for proper articulation of feet and safe dance practice.
No! Instead we run an in house Presentation Day. This involves a Presentation Day Fee that covers this special class where children present their whole 30/45 minute class to your guests and receive a special costume and medal. It is a wonderful end of year event, that is low key so children are less likely to feel anxious or overwhelmed and takes place in their regular classroom venue.
Yes we are compliant with all VIC standards for child safety in dance including holding Working with Children Checks, First Aid, CPR and Keeping Kids Safe in Dance accreditation.
In our Tots and Mini Movers Jazz we encourage to stay for your child’s first class so you can see how they go and provide support if they need it. After this first class we ask that parents wait in the waiting room during class times to allow for independence in their little ones. However if your child is anxious or upset we will ask you to stay in the room until they no longer need you there.
To ensure child safety and allow for classes without extra distractions or disruptions we ask that you refrain from bringing any extra guests into the dance room. Instead at the end of every term we will run an Open Day where you can come along and watch what your child has worked on for that term. Please note this includes our Mini & Me classes, please only 1 parent or carer per child, you are welcome to rotate each week it does not have to be the same parent/carer dancing each week.
We ask that you stay next to your child, hold their hands when they need it, help them with the movements and join in! This will allow your child to gain confidence from you as well as navigate a classroom situation safely and give them a solid foundation for moving up to a non assisted class when they are ready. It also provides a lovely bonding time between the two of you which we love!
Please refrain from taking photographs in class, we will allow photography on Open Days so this is a great time to get your camera out and snap those cute pics.